Above a cinemagraph I created from instructions on YouTube. Search “PHLEARN”. Not too difficult with minimal PhotoShop skills. Created from a free stock video.

Some quick suggestions:

On your phone type in artderfall.com. It’s my digital business card. The card is a way to get your “card” on someone’s phone that won’t get tossed away. They/you can get a free digital business card. The card is the tip of the iceberg for Lead Conversion System from Chad Nicely. The whole thing is brilliant! The card will keep track of calls, emails, and texts. There’s an option that will pop up to add an appointment calendar (only $7/month). It can go deep from there to an autoresponder, surveys, tags, and so much more.

There are 2 upsells that you can choose to offer to your customers once they sign up for a free or
a paid business card and both the upsells come with a 7-day special pricing.

1. Upsell 1:
Your customers will get the ability to create appointments and display videos, appointments on top
of their business card along with the ability to edit labels for the icons on the business card and
few other unlocks for the business card. This is the Lite version of our LCS Basic account.
They will be charged at $7/month if they purchase the account in the first 7 days of signup and
the pricing increases to $14/month if they purchase it after the 7 days

2. Upsell 2:
Your customers will get the ability to create surveys, appointments, tags, view pipelines, set up
automations. This is our LCS Basic account which they’ll get at $47/month if they purchase it in
the first 7 days and $67/month after the 7 days.

A company with a handful of employees to 1,000s of employees can give them the digital biz card. Someone at the top can see all the back and forth between the employee and leads and customers. The training will take you a week plus to get through. Thorough and amazing. I’m not sure what the cost to get into it today is. I pay $45/month to keep it going. It’s perfect to present to (see my other posts) Chamber of Commerce members, and contacts in Alignable and LinkedIn. A great giveaway.  I do get something if you upgrade from artderfall.com, but it’s not much. I just think the whole concept is different and easy to start.

Enounce.com   Enounce My Speed. I can’t do without this tool. It speeds up online videos, saving you hours of listening time.  CLICK HERE

SnagIt from Techsmith.   Another must have. Cut from a webpage. Paste into a new graphic. Can copy text from a page from an image.      CLICK HERE

Laughingbirdsoftware.com   The Graphics Creator. The downloaded one is better than the online version. The tutorials will give you plenty of ideas. I have many of the addons. Hint.   CLICK HERE

Elementor Website Builder.  I’ve been told that this is the most popular builder in the world. Usually a few $100 annually plus the addons. Buuuut…. How about $30 once for the program and two upgrades?
ProStyler and Thememaker from Prostyler have the same problem as the Jack Hopman builders. What if the guy dies or gets bored? I like Prostyler. This site is from a PS template. Thememaker is a newer version.
We weren’t getting timely support. Mikey Formby had wantdered off. On Facebook a group was started. Visit ExProStylers or Ex ProStylers to get a feel for it. Then go to https://exprostylers.com. The group buy has 3 options. Don’t think about it, just buy. Total about $30. Legit. Plenty of YouTube videos on Elementor. I bought a course on Udemy.com that covers Elementor.

Udemy.com has soooo many great video courses. I think I have more than 50. Some are free, but they all go on sale every few weeks for $10 to $16, even the $200 courses. A great course on LinkedIn is
2020 Career Hacker. One I love and will use for a restaurant can be found by searching on Udemy (sorry, too lazy to find the link) is called Viral Emails for a Home Business (something like that). It’s all about how to set up a contest viral drawing and how to create a newsletter from the emails collected. Easy and great training down to the smallest detail.

On Udemy for anyone in business or for a college student both by Kevin DeLaPlante.   Critical Thinker Academy and his course on Essay Writing. He’s a university professor. You get a certificate of completion that looks great on a resume.

A great looking theme for ecommerce. I haven’t quite got the demo version running. You can see it on OTO2         CLICK HERE

My Ecommerce demo website. Really nice.   Easy Ecommerce Websites.    CLICK HERE

My post about Chambers of Commerce touches on Progressive Web Apps. Mobile, text messaging, emails are soooo 2010. I bought this and one or two OTOs.
You do have to drop the resulting code into the website files.      CLICK HERE

This is a cinemagraph. I made it from a free stock video using Photoshop (I’m not very good at it) and YouTube instructions from two videos from Phlearn. Search on YT. It’s not hard to do. There are tools out there to make cinemagraphs, but they end up choppy where the loop starts over. This one has a fade out at the same time the loop fades in. One overlaps another. Look on YouTube for “the best of cinemagraphs”.  Make one.

This is your way into a Chamber of Commerce to be social, sell services and products, and also to help the Chamber AT NO CHARGE. Local Chamber Boost is about 2 years in the making, and a few months of starting to make traction with about 15 in the group, so far. It’s a great concept by Rick Shererer and Scott Powell. Chambers should lead by example. They should do the same things as a successful business does.

There are 7,000 Chambers of Commerce in the US. Many haven’t claimed their Google My Business page, and those that do have anywhere from zero to six reviews. Chambers run in size from 100 to 1,000 members, and it looks bad to only have a few reviews FROM the members.

Quick summary: We help the Chamber get 100 reviews from the members through the use of the LCB review tool that uses emails and text messaging. We work with the ambassadors that all Chambers have. Once the 100 reviews (50 for a small Chamber), LCB gives the Chamber about $4,500 worth of digital products. The main one being a Progressive Web Application. PWAs are the best method of digital communication. Think the next step beyond mobile ready and text messaging. There are also video reviews, press releases, and more… all free to the Chamber. The review tool, PWA, etc. can be sold to members. The review tool costs the members $60 per month (worth it). We can pocket $50/month of it, but usually we give the Chamber $25/month. 20 members out of 4oo or so generates $6,000 to me and $6,000 to the Chamber.

Of the 7,000 Chambers. there are only 2 with 100 reviews. One is the Goshen, NY Chamber and the other is the Knightdale Chamber in Knightdale, NC. It took LCB 15 to 30 days to get them to 100.
If you get to talk to anyone with any sense they will be enthusiastic from the very first meeting. FREE help, 100 reviews, FREE goodies worth $4,500! I hit a roadblock with one Chamber I approached, but another is still alive, but had activities coming up (I’m sure now canceled).  We are tweaking the presentation. Just concentrate on the 100 reviews. No effort on their part. Let us do it with the ambassadors. You must keep this from getting bogged down with the board. There are plenty of Chambers to work with and one will want to be the first in their state to reach 100 reviews.

There is a minor cost to get started that needs explaining, but think of being able to market stuff to members with you being the hero to the Chamber executives. I can explain the details, but it’s going to be better to do this live on a Zoom video meeting with Rick and Scott. I do get $100 and a small residual if I bring someone in, but it’s offset by my having to work with you. The training is very thorough.

Look this over and watch the two videos. Barbara at the Goshen Chamber of Commerce is our best testimonial. The second video is the Zoom meeting we have with a Chamber that has expressed interest.

Call me at 978-408-8280.

A few days ago I received a launch about a Progress Web App builder. It converts a page (usually Home) to a PWA. The downside is that the code has to be pasted into a file and header of the web page. I’d have their IT person do it. If I’m building a site, then it’s easy. The PWA isn’t as elaborate as the one that Local Chamber Boost would make, but it’s very functional.

CLICK HERE       Goshen, NY Chamber with Barbara. Second video is the Zoom presentation that preceded it.

Free! This is so slick. It keeps track of all the Shiny Objects we’ve bought along the years. You can add the sales page, a photo of the page, notes, price you paid, OTOs and more. This is from Chad Nicely, a brilliant marketer and trainer. Go to the other post called Lead Conversion system.

I haven’t used my account yet. It will suck in all your purchases from JVZoo automatically. Chad has a database of over 1,000s of product launches, so the info comes from that. Not sure if WarriorPlus do the same, but any purchase can be manually input. There is a category sort into Graphics, Website Builder, PLR, etc.

My Product Library introduction video by Chad.      CLICK HERE

My Product Library.   CLICK HERE


Think LinkedIn and Google My Business on a local level. I have a customer, Destiny Limousines,  and quickly created a page, description, etc. for a free account. Lots of people wanted to make a connection. There are three upgrades to $15 and $30 per month with a radius of 15 miles and 45 miles from the business. The $90/month plan is nationwide. We just signed up Destiny for the $30/month plan. The local connection is very local, right down to the small towns. Worth a try. YouTube has many videos about how Alignable works. I will watch later.

I just signed up for myself. My legal address is Woburn, but I’m mainly around Franklin, MA. Note the different count for connections. Like Facebook, it will find all the connections you already have. I’m betting this is a great resource if you want to get business locally.

CLICK HERE for Alignable home page.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur sit amet ornare nisi. Pellentesque eget erat congue, semper arcu imperdiet, vestibulum libero. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas feugiat feugiat arcu nec lacinia. Fusce vulputate vitae erat vitae semper. Suspendisse sit amet laoreet augue, sit amet pulvinar libero. In mattis sed neque sit amet aliquet. Proin faucibus pellentesque tempus. Duis sagittis, purus vel semper dictum, eros erat consequat est, ac eleifend lacus magna sit amet metus. Nunc fermentum varius neque, et faucibus ipsum semper nec. Mauris ut efficitur ex, a congue dui. Donec aliquam sapien eget ultricies semper. Fusce ullamcorper pharetra magna.

Duis quis justo sapien. Mauris auctor interdum tellus, sit amet egestas ipsum interdum vel. Donec a ante sed dui congue tristique. Nulla facilisi. Sed aliquam orci sed semper pharetra. Maecenas eget dui fermentum, viverra sapien at, tristique justo. Sed dignissim tristique libero, ut porttitor sapien imperdiet ut. Maecenas elementum ultrices viverra. Vivamus nec odio a est tincidunt cursus. Donec consectetur sodales ultrices. Nunc ut ipsum at tortor elementum ornare quis et augue. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce lobortis aliquet augue sed mollis.

Vivamus mollis nisl massa, a cursus tellus lacinia ac. Vestibulum interdum ligula iaculis, mattis metus id, eleifend tellus. Ut nec ipsum sed felis sollicitudin dictum. Fusce non egestas velit. Curabitur tortor ante, aliquet in interdum pellentesque, porttitor commodo tellus. Aenean eleifend massa non pellentesque iaculis. Curabitur efficitur scelerisque ex elementum posuere.

Duis dapibus ligula at commodo vehicula. Nulla diam ex, pulvinar vitae nunc nec, commodo bibendum dui. Praesent molestie mi non lectus hendrerit vulputate. Praesent congue felis vel felis commodo consequat. Aliquam quis libero porta, sagittis nisl ac, sodales libero. Sed sed massa ultricies, pellentesque dolor vel, rutrum nisl. Phasellus at arcu malesuada, suscipit nibh eu, finibus neque. Nulla vel maximus nulla. Nulla at maximus arcu. Aliquam maximus vulputate mi ut gravida. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi in erat sapien. Praesent velit lectus, fermentum sit amet urna ac, egestas mollis nisl. Integer tempor tincidunt orci, in auctor enim cursus non.

Praesent sed nibh pharetra, faucibus neque pulvinar, sodales justo. Donec egestas risus vel purus scelerisque tincidunt. Etiam turpis neque, luctus non gravida eu, venenatis nec neque. Aliquam ultrices dui elementum tortor porta, et lobortis tortor ullamcorper. Maecenas maximus consequat porttitor. Nam condimentum vehicula lectus, iaculis tincidunt mi rutrum quis. Ut sit amet erat lobortis enim laoreet tempus. Quisque tempor leo nec consectetur commodo. Curabitur sit amet ligula sed urna viverra vehicula. Maecenas eget odio mauris. Duis fringilla dui sem, id ornare augue ultrices sollicitudin. Sed nec est tincidunt, tincidunt orci a, egestas leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur sit amet ornare nisi. Pellentesque eget erat congue, semper arcu imperdiet, vestibulum libero. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas feugiat feugiat arcu nec lacinia. Fusce vulputate vitae erat vitae semper. Suspendisse sit amet laoreet augue, sit amet pulvinar libero. In mattis sed neque sit amet aliquet. Proin faucibus pellentesque tempus.

Duis sagittis, purus vel semper dictum, eros erat consequat est, ac eleifend lacus magna sit amet metus. Nunc fermentum varius neque, et faucibus ipsum semper nec. Mauris ut efficitur ex, a congue dui. Donec aliquam sapien eget ultricies semper. Fusce ullamcorper pharetra magna.

Duis quis justo sapien. Mauris auctor interdum tellus, sit amet egestas ipsum interdum vel. Donec a ante sed dui congue tristique. Nulla facilisi. Sed aliquam orci sed semper pharetra. Maecenas eget dui fermentum, viverra sapien at, tristique justo. Sed dignissim tristique libero, ut porttitor sapien imperdiet ut. Maecenas elementum ultrices viverra. Vivamus nec odio a est tincidunt cursus. Donec consectetur sodales ultrices. Nunc ut ipsum at tortor elementum ornare quis et augue. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce lobortis aliquet augue sed mollis.

Vivamus mollis nisl massa, a cursus tellus lacinia ac. Vestibulum interdum ligula iaculis, mattis metus id, eleifend tellus. Ut nec ipsum sed felis sollicitudin dictum. Fusce non egestas velit. Curabitur tortor ante, aliquet in interdum pellentesque, porttitor commodo tellus. Aenean eleifend massa non pellentesque iaculis. Curabitur efficitur scelerisque ex elementum posuere.

Duis dapibus ligula at commodo vehicula. Nulla diam ex, pulvinar vitae nunc nec, commodo bibendum dui. Praesent molestie mi non lectus hendrerit vulputate. Praesent congue felis vel felis commodo consequat. Aliquam quis libero porta, sagittis nisl ac, sodales libero. Sed sed massa ultricies, pellentesque dolor vel, rutrum nisl. Phasellus at arcu malesuada, suscipit nibh eu, finibus neque. Nulla vel maximus nulla. Nulla at maximus arcu. Aliquam maximus vulputate mi ut gravida. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi in erat sapien. Praesent velit lectus, fermentum sit amet urna ac, egestas mollis nisl. Integer tempor tincidunt orci, in auctor enim cursus non.

Praesent sed nibh pharetra, faucibus neque pulvinar, sodales justo. Donec egestas risus vel purus scelerisque tincidunt. Etiam turpis neque, luctus non gravida eu, venenatis nec neque. Aliquam ultrices dui elementum tortor porta, et lobortis tortor ullamcorper. Maecenas maximus consequat porttitor. Nam condimentum vehicula lectus, iaculis tincidunt mi rutrum quis. Ut sit amet erat lobortis enim laoreet tempus. Quisque tempor leo nec consectetur commodo. Curabitur sit amet ligula sed urna viverra vehicula. Maecenas eget odio mauris. Duis fringilla dui sem, id ornare augue ultrices sollicitudin. Sed nec est tincidunt, tincidunt orci a, egestas leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur sit amet ornare nisi. Pellentesque eget erat congue, semper arcu imperdiet, vestibulum libero. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas feugiat feugiat arcu nec lacinia. Fusce vulputate vitae erat vitae semper. Suspendisse sit amet laoreet augue, sit amet pulvinar libero. In mattis sed neque sit amet aliquet.

Proin faucibus pellentesque tempus. Duis sagittis, purus vel semper dictum, eros erat consequat est, ac eleifend lacus magna sit amet metus. Nunc fermentum varius neque, et faucibus ipsum semper nec. Mauris ut efficitur ex, a congue dui. Donec aliquam sapien eget ultricies semper. Fusce ullamcorper pharetra magna.

Duis quis justo sapien. Mauris auctor interdum tellus, sit amet egestas ipsum interdum vel. Donec a ante sed dui congue tristique. Nulla facilisi. Sed aliquam orci sed semper pharetra. Maecenas eget dui fermentum, viverra sapien at, tristique justo. Sed dignissim tristique libero, ut porttitor sapien imperdiet ut. Maecenas elementum ultrices viverra. Vivamus nec odio a est tincidunt cursus. Donec consectetur sodales ultrices. Nunc ut ipsum at tortor elementum ornare quis et augue. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce lobortis aliquet augue sed mollis.

Vivamus mollis nisl massa, a cursus tellus lacinia ac. Vestibulum interdum ligula iaculis, mattis metus id, eleifend tellus. Ut nec ipsum sed felis sollicitudin dictum. Fusce non egestas velit. Curabitur tortor ante, aliquet in interdum pellentesque, porttitor commodo tellus. Aenean eleifend massa non pellentesque iaculis. Curabitur efficitur scelerisque ex elementum posuere.

Duis dapibus ligula at commodo vehicula. Nulla diam ex, pulvinar vitae nunc nec, commodo bibendum dui. Praesent molestie mi non lectus hendrerit vulputate. Praesent congue felis vel felis commodo consequat. Aliquam quis libero porta, sagittis nisl ac, sodales libero. Sed sed massa ultricies, pellentesque dolor vel, rutrum nisl. Phasellus at arcu malesuada, suscipit nibh eu, finibus neque. Nulla vel maximus nulla. Nulla at maximus arcu. Aliquam maximus vulputate mi ut gravida. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi in erat sapien. Praesent velit lectus, fermentum sit amet urna ac, egestas mollis nisl. Integer tempor tincidunt orci, in auctor enim cursus non.

Praesent sed nibh pharetra, faucibus neque pulvinar, sodales justo. Donec egestas risus vel purus scelerisque tincidunt. Etiam turpis neque, luctus non gravida eu, venenatis nec neque. Aliquam ultrices dui elementum tortor porta, et lobortis tortor ullamcorper. Maecenas maximus consequat porttitor. Nam condimentum vehicula lectus, iaculis tincidunt mi rutrum quis. Ut sit amet erat lobortis enim laoreet tempus. Quisque tempor leo nec consectetur commodo. Curabitur sit amet ligula sed urna viverra vehicula. Maecenas eget odio mauris. Duis fringilla dui sem, id ornare augue ultrices sollicitudin. Sed nec est tincidunt, tincidunt orci a, egestas leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur sit amet ornare nisi. Pellentesque eget erat congue, semper arcu imperdiet, vestibulum libero. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas feugiat feugiat arcu nec lacinia. Fusce vulputate vitae erat vitae semper. Suspendisse sit amet laoreet augue, sit amet pulvinar libero. In mattis sed neque sit amet aliquet. Proin faucibus pellentesque tempus. Duis sagittis, purus vel semper dictum, eros erat consequat est, ac eleifend lacus magna sit amet metus. Nunc fermentum varius neque, et faucibus ipsum semper nec. Mauris ut efficitur ex, a congue dui. Donec aliquam sapien eget ultricies semper. Fusce ullamcorper pharetra magna.

Duis quis justo sapien. Mauris auctor interdum tellus, sit amet egestas ipsum interdum vel. Donec a ante sed dui congue tristique. Nulla facilisi. Sed aliquam orci sed semper pharetra. Maecenas eget dui fermentum, viverra sapien at, tristique justo. Sed dignissim tristique libero, ut porttitor sapien imperdiet ut. Maecenas elementum ultrices viverra. Vivamus nec odio a est tincidunt cursus. Donec consectetur sodales ultrices. Nunc ut ipsum at tortor elementum ornare quis et augue. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce lobortis aliquet augue sed mollis.

Vivamus mollis nisl massa, a cursus tellus lacinia ac. Vestibulum interdum ligula iaculis, mattis metus id, eleifend tellus. Ut nec ipsum sed felis sollicitudin dictum. Fusce non egestas velit. Curabitur tortor ante, aliquet in interdum pellentesque, porttitor commodo tellus. Aenean eleifend massa non pellentesque iaculis. Curabitur efficitur scelerisque ex elementum posuere.

Duis dapibus ligula at commodo vehicula. Nulla diam ex, pulvinar vitae nunc nec, commodo bibendum dui. Praesent molestie mi non lectus hendrerit vulputate. Praesent congue felis vel felis commodo consequat. Aliquam quis libero porta, sagittis nisl ac, sodales libero. Sed sed massa ultricies, pellentesque dolor vel, rutrum nisl. Phasellus at arcu malesuada, suscipit nibh eu, finibus neque. Nulla vel maximus nulla. Nulla at maximus arcu. Aliquam maximus vulputate mi ut gravida. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi in erat sapien. Praesent velit lectus, fermentum sit amet urna ac, egestas mollis nisl. Integer tempor tincidunt orci, in auctor enim cursus non.

Praesent sed nibh pharetra, faucibus neque pulvinar, sodales justo. Donec egestas risus vel purus scelerisque tincidunt. Etiam turpis neque, luctus non gravida eu, venenatis nec neque. Aliquam ultrices dui elementum tortor porta, et lobortis tortor ullamcorper. Maecenas maximus consequat porttitor. Nam condimentum vehicula lectus, iaculis tincidunt mi rutrum quis. Ut sit amet erat lobortis enim laoreet tempus. Quisque tempor leo nec consectetur commodo. Curabitur sit amet ligula sed urna viverra vehicula. Maecenas eget odio mauris. Duis fringilla dui sem, id ornare augue ultrices sollicitudin. Sed nec est tincidunt, tincidunt orci a, egestas leo.